Prix de vente2.160 €
french designers

Chaise en finition chêne

french designers
Dimensions: 38x49xh80cm
Prix de vente2.160 €
french designers
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Sélectionné par The Oblist

Sélection exclusive, fabrication de qualité

Fabriqué dans un délai de 8-8 semaines
Expédié depuis Portugal Plus d'infos

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This item is located in Portugal and will be shipped by the seller directly to you.

Once your order is confirmed, we will notify the seller that you requested this item. It will take 8-8 weeks to be produced and usually 48h to be shipped.

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Product Information


Bienvenue dans le monde du Studio HAOS, où l'expertise technique et la vision artistique convergent pour créer des pièces d'une beauté et d'une sophistication inégalées. Chaque article est méticuleusement fabriqué sur commande dans l'atelier du studio à Lisbonne, garantissant que chaque détail est soigneusement étudié et exécuté de manière experte.

  • Dimensions élégantes : 38x49xh80cm
  • Délai : 8 semaines
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General Information

Product type:Chaise
Location: Portugal
Sold by Studio HAOS


Dimensions: 38x49xh80cm


This product is made to order. You'll receive it into 8-8 weeks.

Guaranteed delivery

It ships safely, or your money back

Shipping from Portugal

If you are located in a different economic zone, you may be subject to customs duties.


This product is final sale. Once the order has been placed, the artist will make this unique piece for you. Non-refundable. No returns.

About the Artist

The story of Sophie Gelinet and Cédric Gepner's journey into furniture design is a tale of experimentation and serendipity that led them to create their initial lamp, which blossomed into a full collection and ultimately birthed Studio HAOS in 2017. Their philosophy embraces the notion that emotional impact transcends extravagant materials, and that elegance lies in the ability to evoke feelings with simplicity. Focused on merging technical solutions with aesthetic finesse, transforming humble materials into poetic and distinctive furniture pieces. Now headquartered in Lisbon, the studio crafts furniture and lighting fixtures in their bespoke workshop.

A professional seller offers this item. The seller has suggested its price.

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